Privacy Policy
    Privacy Policy

    GDPR & Policy    


    Privacy Policy for Melbye  

    The privacy of Melbye's customers and suppliers is paramount with us. We ensure that your personal information is always handled correctly, is correct and protected. We want you to feel confident about this when you give us information or contact us. 

    In order to perform our services in the best possible way, we need to process certain types of personal data. By processing we mean all collection, storage, handling, change and use of personal information. Personal information is information that can be linked to you as a person. This privacy policy describes how we process personal information, and what rights you have in this connection if we have registered personal information about you. In the following, we will refer to the person we have registered personal information about as the registered person. 


    Privacy Manager 

    The company Melbye Skandinavia Norge AS is responsible for the processing of all personal data that we have stored about you. Our basis for treatment is an agreement with you, and as the person responsible for treatment, it is we who with this basis decide the purpose of the treatment and which aids are to be used. The personal information will only be used by us, unless otherwise stated at the time of registration or in the information you have received after having been in contact with us in our contact with you and in accordance with the agreement with you. 


    1. How we collect personal data and use it 

    We do not store any personal data longer than we need to fulfill our agreement with you. We mainly process personal data in the following cases: 

    • The registered person has sent us an inquiry 
    • The registered person is the contact person for a customer, supplier or partner of ours 
    • The registrant has signed up for an event 
    • The registrant subscribes to our newsletters 
    • The registered person is employed by us 
    • The registered person has applied for a job with us, or a jobseeker has given you a reference 

    In order for us to be able to offer you our services, we process personal data in the following situations and for the following reasons: 


    To follow up on customer inquiries

    In order for us to be able to follow up inquiries and orders from you, as well as deliver goods and send out invoices, we process personal information about you in the form of name, position, telephone number and e-mail address. This personal information is stored for as long as necessary to fulfill our agreement with you, and otherwise follow up the customer relationship. 

    We store this information as long as your employer / company is a customer with us, or until we have received information that you are no longer employed by our customer. 


    To be able to send you newsletters 

    If you subscribe to our newsletters, we process your e-mail address to send out such newsletters, preferably about product news and promotions, events, advice and tips, as well as news regarding Melbye. If your personal information is registered, you can unsubscribe from the e-mail list at any time by using the deregistration box which is HERE and at the bottom of all our mailings. 


    Job seekers and employees 

    If you are applying for a job at Melbye, we need to process information about you to assess your application. The hiring process involves processing the information you provide to us through the documents you send us, including application, CV, diplomas and certificates. In addition to any interviews, Melbye can also conduct his own surveys, typically interviews with the jobseeker's references. 

    If you are employed by us, we will also process personal information about you in the form of social security number, address, next of kin and what is otherwise necessary to follow up the employment relationship internally and externally in order to handle statutory tasks vis-à-vis relevant public authorities. 


    When and how we share personal data with other parties 

    All personal information that we process is stored with our IT operations suppliers, and it is always located in countries within the EU / EEA. We do not share your personal information with anyone who is not covered by a direct agreement with you, which is otherwise necessary for us to be able to fulfill our agreement with you. When we in such cases share your personal information with another party, we are still responsible for processing this, and we have data processor agreements that regulate this in more detail. 


    1. Individual rights

    Right of access 

    The Privacy Act gives you a number of rights in relation to us who process your personal information. To exercise these rights, please contact us at the contact address provided at the end of this privacy statement. 

    We always strive to have correct information about our customers and contacts, and therefore we edit, supplement, correct or delete ongoing personal information where this is required. You have the right at all times to have full access to which personal information we have registered about you. 


    Duty to correct 

    We encourage you to contact us if you believe that the personal information we have registered about you is incorrect. We are then obliged to correct what is wrong. 


    Right to be deleted 

    Under certain conditions, you can request to have your personal data with us deleted, for example if there is no longer any need for it to be collected. Personal data on which we depend in order for us to be able to complete our agreements with you as a customer or supplier, or to be able to comply with legal orders, you can not, however, request to be deleted. When we delete personal data, we also inform other parties who have received this data from us, that the data will be deleted. 

    With some exceptions, you may at any time request that personal information we have registered about you be deleted. This can, for example, When we delete personal data, we also inform other parties who have received this data from us, that the data will be deleted. 


    Right to limitation 

    In some situations, you may request that our processing of your personal data be restricted, for example if the information is incorrect and you have requested that it be corrected, or you want to prevent your personal data from being deleted. 


    Data portability 

    If we process information about you on the basis of consent or a contract, you can ask us to transfer information about you to you or another data controller. 


    1.2. Cookies 

    For this website, we use cookies. 


    Contact information: 

    Melbye Group AS 
    Prost Stabels vei 22 
    2019 Skedsmokorset 
    Tlf.: 63 87 01 50 