Our Responsibility


    At Melbye, sustainability is an integral part of our vision: “The smartest solutions, to the benefit of all.” Not only will we offer good solutions for the customer, but we will also actively contribute to the benefit of society, people, the climate and the environment. We will achieve this through our sustainability ambitions, and by working towards the goals we set for ourselves.


    Sustainability Report 2023

    Our sustainability report for 2023, Progress, covers all major topics within sustainability at Melbye.

    Our strategy and targets is also described in the report.

    Read the full report here


    Transparency Act Report 2023

    Melbye is based and present in Norway. Therefore, we are subject to the Norwegian Transparency Act.

    We have chosen to translate the report, and as it covers major parts of our efforts within responsible purchasing practices, it doubles as a responsible purchasing report we believe to be an important source of information for our stakeholders.

    Our work with responsible purchasing it based on the OECD guidelines.

    Read the full report here


    Our Code of Conduct

    Our Code of Conduct is made in collaboration with external parties, including Ethical Trade Norway, and is based upon UN and ILO conventions.

    All suppliers to Melbye must sign the Code of Conduct. Risk suppliers are audited according to our audit template.

    Read the full report here


    Modern Slavery Statement 2023

    Melbye is present in the UK through our subsidiary Melbye ltd. We publish our Modern Slavery Statement annually.

    Read the full report here